I have recently heard that Federal Airport Security has started to prevent passengers from boarding a plane with toy remote control devices. Understandable! Whose to say what that remote could trigger in the luggage department or wherever. I don't want to take that chance – tell Junior to stow it in a suitcase - he can play when he get's to grandma's.
However, I believe that overzealous security officers have removed remote devices from my stowed luggage! Twice!
I travel a lot and I always take my Sirius S-50 with me. Last month when I got home I could not find the Sirius S-50 remote when I unpacked. Now it is a small device, however, I pack everything very carefully. I put small electronic items in small boxes, wrapped in paper or plastic bags and label them. I travel so much that I have a definite system. I even separate the S-50 from its base and wrap it separately.
Thinking the only explanation was that I had left the device at my cabin, I bought another. This month I had to travel again. I packed the replacement S-50 remote as I had before and when I arrived and unpacked ...it was missing again! On top of that, when I reached my cabin, after searching it from top to bottom I concluded that I actually had, as I remembered, packed the first S-50 remote.
It's Complicated…