I attended the 2008 Screenwriters expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center. If you aren't acquainted with this event, it brings together world-class speakers, seminars, software and an opportunity to pitch your screenplay directly to agents, managers and producers as well as studios. I happened across a booth for Pitchq. They put screenwriter's pitchs online…
Category: Entertainment
Entertainment, Movies
Can Youtube.com Save Screenplay Doomed By Loss of Rights and Writer’s Strike?
by Frank Rogala • • 0 Comments
For Immediate Release January 13, 2008 Integrated Entertainment Management, 2166 W. Broadway, #268, Anaheim, CA 92804 Contact: Frank Richards (888) 372-6523 Can Youtube.com Save Screenplay Doomed By Loss of Rights and Writer's Strike? Screenwriter, Frank Rogala, has made a last ditch YouTube.com* "video pitch" to save his movie. After six years of research,…
Entertainment, Movies
Emergency Pitch for Screenplay
by Frank Rogala • • 0 Comments
A screenwriter faced with the writer's strike and the expiration of his option agreement on a six year writing project makes an Emergency Pitch to have a film made of his screenplay about a young woman's adventure working in group homes for the developmentally disabled and struggles with mental retardation specialists. Frank Rogala explains this…
Art, Entertainment, Movies
Not a Star Wars Geek but….
by Frank Rogala • • 0 Comments
I am not a Star Wars geek, however, I know and love a few. Recently I was keeping an eye on the "Vader Project" exhibited last week as a part of Celebration IV in Los Angeles, was sponsored in part by one such geek/friend/person (Dov Kelemer). Dov's fledgling company specializing in distributing what I can…
Entertainment, Sound and Recording, TwinkleU
the TwinkleU music project originally called The Altered Boy Music Project
by Frank Rogala • • 0 Comments
I am about a year into producing an album for a new artist known as "altered boy." This young man has been classically trained as an opera singer and is a countertenor (really high voice for a male, imagine a voice higher than Michael Jackson). According to Wikipedia, the counter tenor voice went through a…