Safe With You - Album Info
Safe With You was a "Safe Sex" anthem which was rare in the mid 1980's. People were dying and it had only recently been discovered that a new virus was afoot. The record contained more mixes of Life Is, this time working with Chris Modig, a brilliant Swedish high school student who would meticulously edit reel to reel tapes into remixes. The dawn of the digital age is evidenced by the cover of this 12 inch. The band found a salesman in a computer store that sold the first version of the Macintosh computer and in 20 minutes, and with very little artistic ability, had him mark up one of their publicity photos - which they used for the cover. It was about this time that the band was...
Contacted by Kent Pickering, now of Powderworks Records of Australia who negotiated not only a buy out of their debut EP but also this single. Pickering financed a video for the unheard of budget of $20,000. Flying the director Tony Egan from down under. The video was shot on a soundstage in Burbank. It features a silent movie segment that meant creating a desert with tents, sand and stuntman playing Arabian Knights at battle. Robin Canada shined playing a decadent board Rudolph Valentino. The featured bellydancer, Jo Larson, choreographed much of the action on the stop with the stunt men. Safe with You was produced by Dan Lebenthal. After the director of the clip, Australian Tony Egan, Dan begged to recut it. The money was not available, and low-cost editing methods were not available as they are today. Dan went on to edit the mega-successful Ironman movies. We also wish that he had had his crack at this video. The video in its existing form was aired by MTV's Basement Tapes (Exude was the only band ever to have been featured twice on this show) and in an American Idol like national vote it won the final competition at the end of this show's run. Winners of the show normally received extra airplay on MTV. However, in the case of this video it wasn't happening. When representatives of the band called producers at MTV they found out that the slots had been given to a new hot up-and-coming band named-Milli Vanilli! (True story!).