"Mixes Against Nature" - Solo Album by Frank Rogala

Album info and credits for "Mixes Against nature," by Frank Rogala.

Mixes Against Nature - Album Info

Mixes Against Nature is a remix and is sometimes a complete re-recording of songs from Frank Rogala's Crimes Against Nature. Frank depended solely on Vince Rogala's rhythmic talents to create this call out to late 1980's classic house music. Working on an early version of a Roland audio editing workstation, Vince cut and pasted the original live tracks into new tempos and beat perfect club arrangements. Even though the record charted in the top five of dance charts of nearly a dozen US cities, Frank was unable to obtain a distributor for the record. A favorite of DJs in gay clubs, the album became a cult classic.

Mixes Against Nature - Album Credits (partial)

Mixes Against Nature

Recorded in the NC-17 garage studio
Produced by Vince Rogala
Frank Rogala: lead vocals
Vince Rogala: sax, keyboards, backing vocals, drum programming
Robin Canada: keyboards, backing vocals, drum programming