"Life Is" - Album by Exude

Album info and credits for "Life Is," by Exude, featuring Frank Rogala as the lead vocalist and producer.

Life Is - Album Info

The Life Is album is a 12 inch single, which was meant to be a stopgap between Exude's Boys Just Want to Have Sex and their first full-length album, Play With The Boys. Reworked from early demos the studio version featured a huge kickfoot (for its day). Life Is was mixed with KROS's Swedish Egil at Gopher Baroque studios. A video for the song was shot by director Robert Jacobs. Engineered by Michael Mikulka and Steve Kempster. Resplendent in 80's dance rock sounds, the song is a time capsule of early 1980's synth sounds from the OBX-a and the Cat Synthesizer. The B-side includes a cover of "Get Your Shit Together."

Written by the producers that "discovered" Frank and Vince and signed them to the production deal that got them out of Michigan and into Rusk Studios on Hollywood Boulevard.

Life Is - Album Credits (partial)

Life Is

Recorded at Gopher Baroque Studios, Garden Grove, CA
Produced by Frank Rogala, Vince Rogala, Robin Canada
Mixed by Exude and The Swedish Egil
Frank Rogala: Lead Vocals
Robin Canada: keyboards and backing vocals
Vince Rogala: sax, synth, backing vocals