"Listen" - Album by NC-17

Album info and credits for "Listen," by NC-17, featuring Frank Rogala as the lead vocalist and producer.

Listen - Album Info

Listen is the album comprised of songs that you see NC-17 writing in the documentary feature film "Won't Anybody Listen." Making the film was a six-year trial that strained the band to the breaking point. Ron Perron and Chuck Hohn had moved back to their native Denver, CO. Vince Rogala had returned to Michigan. Robert Aviles's solo career was taking flight. Robin Canada remained local and it was with his help that Frank could finish the album. Frank Rogala was left with solid drum and bass tracks, and songs that have been outlines, but it ultimately ended up being left up to Rogala to flesh out the melodies, instrumentation, lyrics as well as to mix the songs.

Listen - Album Credits (partial)


Recorded in NC-17's garage studio
Produced by: Frank Rogala, Vince Rogala and Robin Canada
Frank Rogala: lead vocals
Vince Rogala: sax, keyboards, backing vocals, drum programming
Robin Canada: keyboards, backing vocals, drum programming
Chuck Hohn: drums
Ron Perron: bass